Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Will I Ever See the Same Doctor Twice??

Let me just start by saying that although azoospermia is a plight that hubby and I must deal with, I also feel very blessed to have such a wonderful husband and that all in all, the whole process of finding the right donor sperm and all that other stuff has been pretty smooth. I also have a heightened appreciation for the availability of donor sperm here in the US, since the supply in the UK is becoming more and more constrained (more on that in the "Azoospermia - WTF" and "The End of my Line?" blogs listed in the sidebar of this blog).

As I continue through what will be my 2nd IUI cycle (Cycle 1 was a "no-go" because I ovulated on my right side and *might* have a blocked fallopian tube), several random thoughts swirl through my head:

  • When I traipse into the doctor's office, I can't help but feel like it's a cattle call of couples being treated for any myriad of infertility issues, somewhat akin to being rounded up when you board a flight on Southwest Airlines;
  • Why are the nurses so damn calm? Have they become hardened to the mental states that most couples are in once they land at this type of facility? Would it kill you to have a sense of urgency and actually worry with me once in a while? Why do you have to be so damn clinical all the time???
  • Will I ever see the same doctor twice? Every stinkin' time I have come in to be poked and prodded by that ultrasound doodad, it's a different doctor. "Um, doc - are you sure we're a "go" for IUI this cycle since I ovulated on my right side and may very well have a blocked tube? Hello??? Did you even spend 2 minutes reading my chart before you busted into the exam room? What do you mean, did the other doctor tell me this office doesn't do laproscopy procedures to unblock fallopian tubes anymore? Do you guys even talk to each other?"

Ok. Venting is done for now.

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